- Press Release
LPIXEL launched EIRL Chest Screening – a multifunctional renewal model
Tokyo, Japan – February 3, 2022 – LPIXEL Inc., a leader in image analysis and processing in life science and medical research, is pleased to announce the release of EIRL Chest Screening, medical image analysis software. Eirl Chest Screening has five measurement functions in addition to the function of detecting lung nodule candidate areas suspected of lung cancer from chest X-ray images.
This software has been released as a new model with all functions of EIRL Chest Nodule(1)and EIRL Chest Metry(2)available in one software. EIRL Chest Nodule detects candidate lung nodules, and EIRL Chest Metry automatically measures the air content areas in the chest cavity with newly added four functions measuring the costophrenic angle, cardiothoracic ratio, mediastinal width, and aortic arch diameter. These new functions have acquired the manufacturing and sales certification as a designated controlled medical device on December 15, 2021, based on the “Act on Securing Quality, Efficacy and Safety of Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices and Other Products” in Japan.
※ Chest Screening is a collective product name.
About EIRL Chest Screening
EIRL Chest Screening is a new product that integrates two software packages: EIRL Chest Nodule detecting potential lung nodules from chest X-ray images, and EIRL Chest Metry automatically measuring the air content area in the chest cavity, costophrenic angle, cardiothoracic ratio, mediastinal width, and aortic arch diameter.
Since the launch in August 2020, EIRL Chest Nodule has been installed in more than 80 health checkup facilities, general hospitals and clinics, as of the end of January 2022. At health checkup facilities, more than 500 chest X-ray examinations are performed per day, and doctors diagnose more than dozens of findings per chest X-ray examination. With the aim of reducing the physical and psychological burden of diagnosis without interfering with the workflow of doctors, LPIXEL has not only improved the performance but also expanded the functions of EIRL Chest Screening.
This software will be available from February 2022 for use at medical facilities already installed the EIRL series, as well as by connecting to PACS and modalities installed at each medical institution.
Newly added functions
① Measurement of the costophrenic angle

The angle between the diaphragm and lateral ribs intersecting at the boundary of the low lung field are called costophrenic angle. A new function displays the costophrenic angle when the measurement result exceeds the standard value.
(The image above is an example of the costophrenic angle measurement result by EIRL Chest Screening.)
<Blunting of the Costophrenic Angle>
Normally, the angle between the lateral thoracic cage and diaphragm is acute. However, it becomes blunt in some cases. This is a finding of fluid accumulation known as pleural effusion, and is suspected to be caused by heart failure, renal failure, pleurisy, or etc(3).
② Measurement of Cardio-Thoracic Ratio (CTR)

The ratio of the maximum width of the heart to the maximum width of the lung field [%] is known as cardiothoracic ratio, and calculated and displayed when the measurement result exceeds the standard value.
(The image above is an example of the CTR measurement result by EIRL Chest Screening.)
<Increased cardiothoracic ratio>
Heart failure is suspected when there is an enlarged cardiac shadow and increased cardiothoracic radio. The chest X-rays are particularly useful in diagnosing heart failure in emergency situations(4).
③ Measurement of mediastinal width

A new function measures the maximum mediastinal width [mm] and displays it when the measurement result exceeds the standard value.
(The image above is an example of the mediastinal width at the level of the aortic arch measured by EIRL Chest Screening.)
<Widening of the mediastinum>
When an increase in the width of the mediastinal shadow is observed, aortic aneurysm, aortic dissection, or mediastinal tumor may be suspected(5). In addition, chest X-ray images can be used to evaluate widening of the mediastinum as secondary findings related to pleural effusion or heart failure associated with aortic dissection(6).
④Measurement of the diameter of the aortic arch

A new function measures the width of the aortic arch [mm]. It is displayed when the measurement result of aortic arch diameter exceeds the standard value.
(The image above is an example of the aortic arch measurement result by EIRL Chest Screening.)
<Dilation of the aortic diameter>
Aortic valve insufficiency or aortic aneurysm can be suspected when aortic diameter dilation is observed(7). Since it takes time for aortic aneurysms to enlarge and rupture, screening by chest X-ray is important for detection and treatment before rupture.
Contact Information for EIRL
EIRL Business Department
(1)Product name : Medical Image Analysis Software EIRL X-Ray Lung nodule, Certification Number : 30200BZX00269000
(2)Product name : Medical Image Analysis Software EIRL Chest Metry, Certification Number : 302AGBZX0010100
(3)JAPAN SOCIETY OF NINGEN DOCK「Chest X-Ray」https://www.ningen-dock.jp/public/inspection/chest-x
(4)The Japanese Circulation Society「Guidelines for the Treatment of Acute and Chronic Heart Failure (revised 2017)」https://www.j-circ.or.jp/cms/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/JCS2017_tsutsui_h.pdf
(5)JAPAN SOCIETY OF NINGEN DOCK 「Chest X-Ray」https://www.ningen-dock.jp/public/inspection/chest-x
(6)Same as above.
(7)Same as above.
About EIRL
EIRL is the collective name given to LPIXEL’s AI medical image diagnostic support technology. LPIXEL aims to provide solutions that enable a faster and more accurate diagnosis by implementing its unique algorithms to analyze medical big data, such as brain MRI, chest X-rays, and colonoscopy. For more information, please visit https://eirl.ai/en/
LPIXEL is a leader in advanced image analysis and processing technology encompassing the life science field. Founded in March 2014, LPIXEL is dedicated to offering research facilities, top-tier image analysis technologies and medical diagnosis technologies, both of which adopt advanced AI technology. LPIXEL revolves around business such as its medical image analysis software, “EIRL,” and its AI-based image analysis service for pharmaceutical R&D, “IMACEL.”
For more information, please visit https://lpixel.net/en/
Contact Information
TEL:03-6259-1713 Email:pr@lpixel.net